Well & Septic
Serious and occasionally fatal poisonings of infants have occurred following ingestion of water containing concentrations of nitrate which are greater than 10 mg/1. Nitrate is converted to nitrite in the stomach of an infant. In turn, the nitrite converts the hemoglobin of the blood to methemoglobin. The methemoglobin cannot transport oxygen and the infant, in effect, suffocates. The infant develops a "bluish" color from lack of oxygen, and the syndrome is frequently called "blue baby disease".
Usually, an infant is susceptible until about three months of age. The fluid intake of an infant, per body weight, is approximately three times that of an adult. The infant's incompletely developed capability to secrete gastric acid allows the gastric pH to become high enough to allow the nitrate reducing bacteria to reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the hemoglobin of the infant, hemoglobin F, is more susceptible to the formation of methemoglobin than is the adult form, hemoglobin A.
Finally, the enzyme responsible for normal methemoglobin reduction is less active in the infant. Little is known, however, why some infants are far more susceptible than others. If an affected infant receives prompt treatment, the symptoms are readily reversible and no apparent permanent damage occurs.
Coliforms are normally non-disease-producing bacteria present in the intestinal discharges of humans, animals and birds. Coliforms are found in large numbers in sewage. They are found in surface water and in topsoil to a depth of several feet depending upon the type of soil or rock. If found in drinking water, they usually indicate that pollution is entering the supply. New or recently repaired wells, pumps or piping usually contain coliforms, making the water unsafe for drinking.
Pollutional bacteria get into a well generally from the top, although in some cases, pollution may enter from underground. That is why proper well location and proper well construction are so important. If limestone is near the surface, there is a greater threat of contamination reaching the well from a greater distance. If the pathway is open for surface water, shallow ground water, or sewage to enter the supply, then actual disease-producing bacteria may enter.
Intestinal diseases, which may be transmitted by contaminated water, are diarrhea, dysentery, infectious hepatitis and typhoid fever. Also, parasitic intestinal worms and amoebic cysts that cause dysentery may be present in contaminated water. If coliform contamination cannot be successfully corrected through chlorination, this department recommends that you seek advice from a licensed well contractor.
Real Estate Evaluation Request
If an evaluation of your sewage disposal system and/or well has been requested, it is sometimes necessary for the entire top of the septic tank to be exposed, in order to complete this inspection. The following is a step by step procedure for readying your system for inspection.
Real Estate Evaluation Request Open the flyer for details
Private Well Program
Permits are issued on all new wells which are installed in Carroll County. All systems must be installed in accordance with specific Carroll County Codes and Rules and Regulations. Fees are required for permits. Abandoned wells shall be sealed in accordance with the Illinois Water Well Construction Code, as well as the Carroll County Code.
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