Vector Control Program
Vectors are insects, ticks, rats, mice, birds and other animals that transmit disease-producing organisms to humans. To prevent the human disease and discomfort caused by these vectors, the Carroll County Health Department provides technical information to the public on methods to monitor and control them.
The department conducts a West Nile Virus (WNV) Surveillance Program, which includes trapping and analyzing of mosquitoes for the disease. Bird collection is also included in these surveillance efforts. The department aides in the remediation of conditions contributing to WNV, as well as other vectors to provide a safer community for our citizens.
Vector Control/Surveillance
Vectors are insects, ticks, rats, mice, birds and other animals that transmit disease-producing organisms to humans. To prevent the human disease and discomfort caused by these vectors, the division provides technical information to local health departments, governments, mosquito abatement programs and the public on methods to monitor and control them. The Division also awards annual grants to local health departments to conduct vector surveillance and control programs. Division staff identify about 300 specimens of insects and other pests each year. They also conduct surveys for mosquitoes, flies and ticks to detect the presence and significance of potential disease vectors associated with the improper storage, handling and disposal of tires, improper waste disposal and natural conditions. About 500 wild birds are collected each year and tested for West Nile virus.
- Surveillance and Response Procedures for Mosquito-borne Arbovirus Emergencies (PDF, 966K)
- West Nile Virus
- Pyrethroid Insecticides
- Entomology and Pest Management