All potentially hazardous ingredients used in making the baked goods shall be maintained at a proper product temperature. (Milk, butter and eggs must be kept at an internal temperature of 41° or below)
No real or synthetic cream pastries, no cream, custard or meringue pies may be sold or served (i.e. pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, cream puffs).
Prior to preparing any bake sale item, wash your hands with liquid soap and dry hands with a paper towel. Using a paper towel as a barrier turn off faucets and immediately discard the paper towel. CLOTH TOWELS ARE PROHIBITTED. When you touch your face, hair, worked with raw eggs, and answers the phone or any other tasks besides cooking or preparing the bake sale item, washes your hands before returning to cooking.
All equipment, utensils or countertops that will be used in the preparation or making of the bake sale item must be properly washed, rinsed, and sanitized before its use.
If you have any pets in your house, they SHALL BE LOCKED out of the kitchen when you are preparing any food for public consumption. Also remember to properly wash, rinse, and sanitize all surfaces with which the animal may have come in contact before starting to prepare any baked goods.
Once the bake sale item is made it shall be properly stored to prevent contamination. DO NOT leave baked goods where they may come in contact with raw meats, eggs or any raw potentially hazardous foods. DO NO store baked goods in car trunks, on the ground or in any area subject to pesticides, lubricants, or other chemicals, insects, or dust. Also, remember to keep bake sale items away from other family members and family pets to prevent contamination. All items shall be packaged at home to reduce contamination risk.
Food on display at the bake sale must be adequately protected from incidental public handling, dirt and other contamination. Foods must be stored off the ground or off the floor of the stand. Any prepared, processed, baked or cut food must be packaged or wrapped for protection. Any wrapping or container must be constructed of safe, new food-grade materials.
All utensils, display cases, counters, shelves, and tables must be clean, sanitary, smooth, sealed and constructed of approved materials to prevent contamination of any food products.
Bake sale operators must use all disposable utensils, dishes, cups, etc. for customer use.
The Carroll County Health Department and the citizens of Carroll County appreciate your cooperation with these and other public health guidelines. Your continued cooperation is appreciated and allows this department the ability to grant permission for bake sales to be held.